As part of our intervention practice, we provide supports and services for children, adolescents, and adults. Our model allows for the flexibility of working with individuals, families, and in the context of schools. Our goal is to help individuals develop skills in order to change their thoughts, behaviors, and emotions in the way they would like to change and to create supportive environments for skill development to occur.

Our team recognizes that the challenges we face do not occur in a vacuum, and the systems in our life can either promote, or interfere with, our growth and health. In this, our intervention model is also informed by  — or specifically targets — the systems in one’s life when developing intervention plans. This may include family-based services using a family systems model, which emphasizes the importance of family relationships and culture in the psychological health and wellbeing of individuals.

We also specialize in expanded school-based mental health (ESMH) services. ESMH looks beyond traditional office-based treatment when working with youth and families. These services are founded upon a framework that includes prevention for youth at risk; positive behavior supports and youth development; comprehensive and collaborative health and mental health programming; and classroom- or system-level climate changes to support youth.